Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Poetry Slam Poem #2 (Tamar, Amanda, Brad, Sam Ng)

2. Nobody’s Perfect

Growing up is easy when you have great role models.
From Drake and Josh on Nick to Kim Possible on Disney,
How could you go wrong with an idol like Hannah Montana?
But as she has taught us “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days”*
As Lindsay Lohan has demonstrated to us in many ways!
Public intoxication, terrible situations, public humiliation, testing drugs’ limitations,
She keeps rehab running with all her drug use,
How could such a cute little girl turn to such abuse?
When she lost her parent trap twin, she lost all her luck
So Lindsay Lohan’s future didn't quite go as planned,
But we can always rely on Amanda Bynes for some sound advice.
Like her tweet from last night!
Teaching the young women of the world how to woo a man:
“I want @Drake to murder my…” Never mind.
By the way she’s single
And obviously ready to mingle.
From the Amanda Show to DUI’s
Who knew what else to expect?
Now she does what she wants, regardless of any respect
Clearly “It’s a party in the USA”*
All our Disney divas have let us down.
Our role models aren't who the seemed to be
So if anything goes wrong, blame Walt Disney.

(*credit to Miley Cyrus and where credit is due for the "Nobody's Perfect" and "Party in the USA" lyrics.)

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