Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Poetry Blog Post #12

Chapter 12: Rhythm and Meter
(Flow) rhythm- any wavelike recurrence of motion or sound
Accented/stressed- given more prominence in pronunciation than the rest
Rhetorical stresses (in speech) - stressing words you want to emphasize
End-stopped line- end of line corresponds with natural speech pause
Run-on line- line moves on without pause into next line
Caesuras- pauses within line
Free verse- poetic line is basic rhythmic unit
Prose poem- depends entirely on ordinary prose rhythms
(Pattern) meter- identifying characteristic of rhythmic language we can tap our feet to
Foot- unit of meter; 1 accented syllable and 1 or 2 unaccented syllables
Kinds of feet:
1.      u/ u/ Iamb/Iambic
2.      /u /u Trochee/Trochaic
3.      uu/ uu/ Anapest/Anapestic
4.      /uu /uu Dactyl/ Dactylic
5.      // Spondee/Spondaic
Metrical lines measured by naming number of feet in them ex. Monometer = 1 foot
Metrical variations:
1.      Substitution (replace one foot with another)
2.      Extrametrical syllables (additions to beginning/end of lines)
3.      Truncation (omission of unaccented syllable at either end of line)
Scansion-process of defining metrical form of poem
1.      Identify prevailing foot
2.      Name number of feet in line
3.      Describe stanzaic pattern (if any)
Expected rhythm- meter we expect to hear
Heard rhythm- actual rhythm of words
Grammatical and rhetorical pauses- contribute to variations

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